HI! I AM Souhaila Taleb

I was 19 years old when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I didn’t know what it meant, for my health and my future.  My Ob-Gyn told me to take “the BC pill” and Metformin, and to come back when I wanted to get pregnant.  I would learn that this advice is the go-to answer for PCOS from medical practitioners across the country.  I would also learn that, for me and so many others, it was a band-aid to the root cause. The side effects of these medicines led me to emotional eating, sugar addiction, mood swings, weight gain, anxiety, depression, yo-yo dieting, always exhausted and constantly hoping for a regular period. PCOS pretty much controlled and affected my entire life…For years I struggled with my condition and with effects brought on by tired advice from doctors who wanted to put a band-aid on PCOS instead of taking the time to get to know me and my needs.  Professionally, I was working long hours at a corporate job that left me drained and out of balance. Does this sound familiar to you?

Finally, after years of frustration and confusion, I rolled up my sleeves to dive deeper and was determined to naturally reverse PCOS.  I researched endlessly for answers. I became a yoga instructor and a Holistic health coach because I believed that addressing the root causes of PCOS through a holistic approach to life is the best and most reliable path towards a healthy, vibrant, and fulfilled life.  The PCOS Warrior program worked for me, it has worked for my clients  globally, and it can work for you!!